Key Learning Concepts is a fully accredited institution that is contracted through the State of Nevada’s Mental Health and Disability Services Department (MHDS). Key Learning Concepts has continually shown to the State of Nevada, Health Care Professionals and Guardians that we are one of the premier providers in town the Reno/Sparks area.
If you are interested in obtaining services please go to the State of Nevada MHDS website for more information. Once services have been obtained then all services provided will be funded jointly through state and matched Federal Funds. This means that if you or your ward qualify for services that there is no cost to you.
If you are already approved for services through MHDS please contact your Case Worker and let them know you would like to interview Key Learning Concepts.
Personalized Service and Support
In this residential program, we provide a variety of support and service options designed around the needs and interests of the individuals in each home—ranging from 24/7 in-home support or hourly assistance with planned activities
Because of our flexible, person-centered approach, we provide all individuals in our Waiver Group Homes with a level of care designed to help them thrive and feel at home. Our support services may include assistance with:
Personal hygiene
Cooking and housekeeping
Coordination of transportation
Social skills development
Financial management
Accessing community resources and events
Some of our group homes are specifically designed for individuals with complex medical issues. These group homes feature on-staff registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, as well as physical therapists who visit to provide specialized services on a regular basis. They are wheelchair accessible and equipped with shower beds and positioning tables for those who require assistance.
Individualized Service Planning
When someone is ready to move into one of our homes, we take the time to get to know them and their interests and what makes them unique. Our homes are staffed with Direct Support Professionals and other human services staff who develop Individualized Service Plans (ISPs) to help each individual reach new milestones.